Plant-based meats are a new trend right now in the American market. People are switching to vegan meat and embracing the taste of it which exactly tastes like animal meat. In fact, the US alone represents a $7 billion market—$1.4 billion from plant-based meats. Vegan meat has gained a lot of popularity over the last few years and this is the reason many influencers and burger companies have started promoting it.
What Exactly Is Vegan Or Plant-Based Meat?
The plant-based or vegan meat is food made from plants intended to offer an alternative to meat made from animals. These meats are made in form of burgers, nuggets, bacon, sausages, steaks, fillets, or other forms of foods we grew up eating. The plant-based meat contains proteins and extracts from plants such as soybeans, peas, or wheat to truly mimic the texture, taste, and appearance of animal meat.
What Are The Food Ingredients Used In Plant Meat?
The term plant-based meat itself is self-explanatory. It’s made from different sources of plants that offer different variety of textures and flavors. Let us see them in detail.
1. Soy
Tempeh, soy, and many other soy derivatives are used as vegetable protein in plant-based meat. Fully formed tofu contains a distinctive texture which makes it a major ingredient to make vegan meats. Tempeh also pairs well with certain nut-based sauces which makes it easier to integrate meatier flavors when added to the final product.
h2>2. Seitan
Seitan also called wheat gluten is also an ingredient added to plant-based meat to give a meaty texture. Though many people say seitan tastes an awful lot like chicken, it contains a savory and exceptionally mild taste.
3. Beans & mushrooms
Most of you are familiar with black bean burgers or Portobello as the original vegetarian menu option. But some companies use them as the protein source in plant-based meat.
4. Coconut oil
Coconut oil is a natural fat that is often praised for being one of the healthiest fats all around. Coconut oil is used by manufacturers to give an effect of melt-in-your-mouth that you generally find in caramelized or grilled meats.
5. Yeast extract
Yeast extracts are often added to plant-based meat to create an umami flavor. This can be achieved by seitan, but yeast extract will create a more intense giving a meaty taste.
How Can You Choose The Best Plant-Based Ingredients For Your Consumers?
Now you know what food ingredients are used in vegan meat, here are a few tips and chef’s secrets that will help you choose the right products:
Choose the products that are natural and do not contain artificial flavors. Use natural pigments from spirulina, beetroot juice, vegetable extracts, and malt to mimic the red hues.
Try to provide a complete protein. Soy is one of the best sources that contains essential amino acids in sufficient quantities.
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