What Qualifications Should Your Food Ingredient Supplier Possess?

Some food ingredient suppliers only just simply fill the orders. Others work as partners to discover innovative formulations for the product that maximizes the texture, flavor, nutrition, and appeal to the customers.

There are 5 key indicators and questions that you need to consider while choosing your new ingredient partner. Let us see them.

1. Ingredient Quality

The #1 factor that determines the products’ appeal is the ingredients’ quality and flavor. But there’s more to consider in the food industry. Does your partner provide the ingredients that are only used for limited applications or they can be used for a range of ingredients that are versatile enough to be used across multiple formulations?

2. Facilities That Ensure Food Safety

Food safety is vital and a major contributing factor to making sure that your products meet strict compliance standards. Are you familiar with your supplier facilities? What safety measures and protocols do they have to ensure cleanliness and prevent contamination? Are the raw materials sourced in the USA FDA approved or are they imported from foreign countries that lack food safety regulations? And what about their product testing capabilities?

3. Industrial Qualifications

When you are considering a formulation partner ask for some references that will help you determine if they have a similar application process. Whether you are providing your consumers with creamy beverages or savory sauces, frozen treats, or delicious snacks, always look for assurance that your partner has related experience in the area.

4. Formulation Expertise

A company is as good as its people and how you are being treated plays a role in developing partnership. If a company is big you may feel like you are just a number and if the company is small you may feel develop concerns about the company’s ability to meet your demanding deadlines and specifications. Look for a partner eager to develop those crucial relationships and the areas where the company may feel lagging.

5. Proactive Partnership

A key to any healthy partnership is collaboration. Consider future product development and look beyond your current needs and analyze how your ingredient supplier can accommodate your needs in long term. A true partner will stay engaged with you and share insights about food trends and ways in which they can help your organization to maintain competitive advantages over others in a similar market.

Make sure that your food ingredient supplier delivers on each of these four areas to lead to greater efficiencies and increased profitability.

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